"SAVING ME" book by Jan Shima
31 short stories about life-threatening events where God showed up, saving me every time. Paperback and eBook Amazon.com Barnes&Noble.com iTunes.com Xulonpress.com
New Single - TreeTalk
Enjoy a musical hike through the giant Sequoias to hear the conversation of trees and the creatures living in them. TreeTalk is the latest release, and the Title Track for the next album. This song was inspired by hiking through giant Sequoia forests, listening to the sounds of whispering leaves, chirping birds, scampering squirrels, and watching sunlight filtering through the canopy of the most majestic Cathedral!
Jubilation Gospel Weddings
Gospel Weddings and Receptions with JUBILATION, quartet vocal and keyboard band. Many Japanese people visiting Hawaii want to get married here, and they love Gospel Music! What a joy to help them celebrate the most important day of their life! Booking: Shantimusic@gmail.com
PowerPraiseHawaii Produced by Jan Shima, songs by Orlando Tumacder. Listen, purchase and download album or songs at: